Thursday, August 11, 2011

Don't let the fire go out!

I hope eveything is good with my people. Check it out -just to give you all a heads up, I'm still taking the web graphic design class and business tech class (both of em kicking my ass!) but I'm learning a bunch of vital info in a short period time. Also, last week I checked a book out of LBPL called Android Apps for Absolute Beginners. This book is good because it walks me through the process of creating apps, from an idea in my head to beta testing without ANY code experience at all. It's not too thick, so I'm not intimidated by the reading. If you are really into books and want access to some great e-books for free, checkout
I have been thinking about business lately. Your ventures will continue to grow as long as you don't let the fire go out! You saw that coming didn't you? Most major corporations start with people who share common goals. In a year, I see myself paying dues, learning more and sharing my talents with others, staying motivated, sharing ideas (one can never can ponder too many ideas) and putting together a solid business plan that I can recite verbatim. In 5 to 10 years, I see myself having fun in the sun with my business partners,friends and family after a few years of hustling, grinding and paying dues, for instance, all of us taking a "ballerific world tour!" Please believe it!  Where do you see yourself in a year? What about 5 or 10? I believe our next step is each of us coming up with a 30 second commercial. I'm not talking about the ones I shoot in DV but the 30 second "self promoting presentation" that we all can easily recite to folks who may come into contact with us as individual entrepreneurs. How do YOU sum yourself up in 30 seconds or less? Something to think about- Seriously. I look forward to your replies or comments. Peace
Skype: lonell.multimedia
Mobile: 562.234.7699
Sent from my Samsung Replenish

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Back to the grind...Ready, Set, Regroup!

WOW! I finally have some time to regroup and recover. I have been so busy with work, school, the videography, the website, the music,etc. I have learned a lot about time management in the past 5 weeks. Getting used to this switch from PC to iMac and sitting around do nothing to sitting around doing something. College work is starting to pile up so it's time for me to go "hit the books". I thought it would be a good idea to update my blog just to get the creative writing flowing. Got a wake up call at work today. Mind your P's, Q's, dot those I's and cross those T's! I'm ready to write! It works! Try it!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Enjoying the new iMac!

I've made the switch to Apple/Mac! Everything I need-none of the other stuff I don't. I even like GarageBand. Trying to find a way to import my current Pinnacle Studio projects into iMovie. Stay tuned. I'm back in school and it feels great! I actually start back on 1 May 2011. My online class is English and my distance learning is Intro to WeB Graphic Design. Tight! MGIB is gonna kick in about a month from now and I got about 20 month left to use it so....HERE I AM. I hope to keep these blog updates a little more frequent. The studio is coming together. Couchbed is next on the list. My clients gotta have a nice comfy place to sit down while I audition them or interview,etc. More to come. My next update will probably have a school update and whatever else.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Here's an update to the spin cycle thing I was on a while ago. As it turns out, I get bored very easily when it comes to exercise equipment. The kids use the bike more than I do as of late. I just hope it doesn't become a coat rack!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Do you follow people?

just asking because I noticed on twitter some people are following as many as 30-40 people at a time. I have a hard enough time keeping up with my kids let alone some random internet folks!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Tax Prep such a pain...

I wish that I could just hand it all over to someone else to take care of but the last time I did that....I got AUDITED. Thanks H&R Block for the unnecessary headaches!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Uh-Oh...- got us a Spinner bike. No excuses!!!

No excuses! I got one of those spinning cycles. Actually, Wifey picked it up for the family. Great workout with low or no impact. I've done 20-30 minutes on Monday and another 20 or so on Tuesday. I feel the burn already! I am enthusiastic about this workout lifestyle and will commit to the "2 days on then 1 day off schedule. Monday,Tuesday workout then rest on Wednesday. Same thing for Thursday and Friday rest Saturday. Cycle begins again the following week on Sunday. I feel better already. The kids like it too. Jahdee has logged the most time on the bike so far. Where does he get all that energy from anyway?