Monday, August 30, 2010

In my dream the other day...083020101736

In my dream the other day, I drank about 6 cups of coffee and in a caffeine-induced frenzy, decided that it was a good time to go workout on “the hill.” The plan was first, to load up my phone with the latest, hottest, most inspirational playlist music known to man. The list turned out to be around 1,800 songs deep with CD sound quality settings. That’s way too many songs being synced to sit and watch happen in real time. Doing that would be like watching some grass grow. So I setup a quick playlist and plugged my phone in the USB port and clicked “sync”. Well the computer started buzzing away syncing the files one at a time and after about an hour or so, I checked on the progress meter and it was done. Without glancing at the playlist or testing for bad files, I grabbed my phone, keys and a pair of shades that I got from the dollar store earlier that day. I was on my way to “the hill” hyped from the buzz of excitement that comes with listening to some feel good music. I arrive at “the hill” and quickly unload my things not needed for the next hour or so. I grab my water bottle, phone and earbuds. I start the media player on my phone, click play and the first track was pretty good so I listen to the whole 4:20 of it. Next 5 tracks are good too and I think to myself with that echoic, inside my head voice,”This has got to be the latest, hottest, most inspirational playlist music known to man!” No doubt this was a skip-free playlist! Well, so far... After about 30 minutes or more, the next track to play was a bit disturbing. Dead silence for about 6-10 seconds then a faint barely audible woman’s voice said “turn left.” Now remember, I told you earlier that I drank about 6 cups of coffee in this dream so, keep that in mind for the next segment.
To be continued...

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